Sunday, September 8, 2013

In one week...

...we will be hanging out in the airport at Miami, hopefully with a sleeping baby, awaiting the long flight to Santiago.

It's crazy to think that just 6 months ago, Bill and I were looking at houses trying to figure out where we wanted to buy and start to raise our family.  Narrowing it down to a nice starter house, I was beginning to wrap my head around the idea of being proper homeowners, with a back yard, driveway, and *eek* being responsible for home repairs and yard work.  And then, in the course of a 5 minute conversation, that all changed.  I'm pretty sure most people thought (and still think) Bill and I are crazy for moving down to Cordoba for a year so Bill can set up a new office for his company.  Not only am I in the middle of getting my RN, but we also have an adorable little baby, who was born in November.  And yet, here we are, a week out from out flight.  I start class tomorrow (thankfully  my program has some online courses for GE classes) and our apartment is half packed.

In the past couple of weeks, I've realized how fortunate Bill and I are.  Our friends have been encouraging all along the way and have been incredibly helpful and supportive.  Bill and I have amazing families who have helped us out tremendously by watching Liam and helping us pack, organize, and get our affairs in order.  To say that I'm sad to leave everyone behind is an understatement.  While I know the 2.5 months that we'll be gone before we come back for Christmas will go by quickly, it is still bitter sweet and a bit scary to leave everyone behind.   Luckily, Bill and I have found ourselves a very welcoming ex-pat group in Cordoba that is active on Facebook.  If people are anything like they are online, I think we will be very happy down there.

So in one week, our lives are going to be completely different.  But I am looking forward to this amazing opportunity I have, not only for my own personal growth, but also for the new adventure I'll be embarking on with my new family.  La vida es buena.

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