Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First couple of days continued

This morning we woke up, and since Bill had to work, Liam and I went off to get some breakfast and walk around.  There is something oddly freeing about roaming around an unfamiliar city with no real destination in sight.  Since my cell phone can only pick up wi-fi at the moment, I had to pay close attention to the streets and which direction I was going in.  Anyone that knows me knows that sitting down to eat alone (or in this case with an almost 10 month old) isn't really my cup of tea, so sitting down at a restaurant for some OJ (which I don't drink), a cafe, and a couple of medialunas wasn't really appealing to me.  I ended up wandering into a kiosk (a bodega) to buy some Coca Cola Light to wake me up.  But to my surprise and joy, they had a Nescafe machine where I could get a vanilla cappuccino!  It may still be piping hot, but at least it is a bit sweeter.  So armed with my cafe and a couple of bottles of water, Liam and I ventured on.  We walked for about an hour and a half, stopping to pick up some pastries for Bill and some fruit and veggies from a store called Tweety.  And yes, tweety bird's silhouette was on the store front.

After relaxing at home for a bit, we decided to head to the bus stop to take the bus to look at the apartment.  Not as easy as it sounds. They apparently do not believe in bus maps here, so we had to look up the location online.  It wasn't far from the apartment, but we quickly learned that buses do not stop at every stop unless you are standing out and waving your arm around.  Bill and I didn't realize this and our bus blew on past.  We ended up taking a taxi.

The house is great. Two floors, 3 bedrooms, and a lot of space.  There is a park across the street and there is a street filled with restaurants and shops about 3/4 of a mile away.  The only weird thing was it doesn't come with a fridge.  Regardless, I think we are going to take the house.  After meeting with the realtor (I need to remember they do not do hand shakes here and instead do hugs and a kiss on the cheek) Bill and I ventured to the main street to explore and find the bus home.  1.5 hrs later and we still hadn't found the bus stop.  We asked a bus driver who had just gotten off the bus and turned out we could have taken any of the buses we'd seen go by during that time.  Again, with no actual bus map, we had to pay attention to our surroundings and got off where we were walking around yesterday to shop.  On the walk back, we found the information spot we'd spent all day yesterday looking for.  It was literally in an area we had walked around 5 times.  Oh well, now we know.  Bill also found the stand that sold the bus passes.

So now we are resting our feet after eating some epanadas, pizza, and milanesa completa con papas fritas while drinking some delicious Cabernet from Mendoza.  It was about 16 pesos....i.e. less than 2 bucks.

I hope that last line is enough to tempt our friends and family to come visit!!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely tempted! But I think I'll wait 'til you know your way around better. ;) Glad you found a place and that things are (mostly) going well.
