Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We made it through a week!

We've been here an entire week, and my love for this keeps growing.   Liam and I got "lost" for about an hour and a half the other day and it was pretty fun to roam around the city trying to figure out where we were going.  The area reminds me a lot of Europe with the way the streets are set up with shops, kiosks, markets, and the general structure of the buildings.  It's really pretty and I can't wait for the flowers and trees to start blooming.  To the side is a picture of Tweety, the place where I have been buying fruits and vegetables.  Everything here is locally grown, and the taste and the quality of the produce reflects that.   They don't use nearly as many chemicals or pesticides as they do in the US, so produce doesn't last as long here.  That is taking some getting used to and  I have to make sure not to overbuy.  (I promise I won't turn into a crunchy granola person).  Unfortunately, they are in a pretty severe drought here, so the selection is pretty small.

The other day, we learned that everything sold in Argentina must have some component made here.  Which has made food shopping interesting as Doritos are pretty much the old brand that I recognize from the States.  Trial and error...especially for pasta sauce since a certain picky eater doesn't like chunky tomatoes!

While I can't really complain about the government here, since back home it seems to have shut down, they do practice some interesting things here.  For instance, they subsidize the Big Mac because of the Big Mac index, and they want their costs appear relatively low as compared to the rest of the world.  It would then appear that the peso here is doing well, instead of terribly (the unofficial exchange rate right now is 9.5:1)   Which works in our favor at least.   We could get a full time housekeeper/nanny for $400 pesos a week, which is about $42 a week.   I tried to convince my friend to move down and be Liam's nanny, but I don't think the $42 was that enticing.  The government also owns the broadcasting stations, so during a big soccer match, there were little government propaganda pop ups showing up. Weird.

Bill's lunch is getting cold so I'm heading back to the house.  Hopefully internet has been installed by now and I can update tonight with pictures of the house and other happenings.  So much to tell!   Chao!

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